ADL Central Scripts Server for Gradle

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SpotBugs is a program which uses static analysis to look for bugs in Java code. It is free software. SpotBugs is the spiritual successor of FindBugs, carrying on from the point where it left off with support of its community


Duplicate code can be hard to find, especially in a large project. But PMD’s Copy/Paste Detector (CPD) can find it for you!

CPD works with Java, JSP, C/C++, C#, Go, Kotlin, Ruby, Swift and many more languages.


It analyses Abstract Syntax Tree(AST) generated by JavaCC and does not require actual compilation.

It identifies potential problems mainly dead and duplicated code, cyclomatic complexity, overcomplicated expressions and almost everything which Checkstyle is capable of.


It basically analyses source code and looks to improve the coding standard by traversing over simple AST generated by Checkstyle.

It verifies the source code for coding conventions like headers, imports, whitespaces, formatting etc.


Spotless can format java,kotlin, scala, sql, groovy, javascript, flow, typeScript, css, scss, less, jsx, vue, graphql, json, yaml, markdown, license headers, anything using gradle, maven, anything.

Ideally, a code formatter can do more than just find formatting errors - it should fix them as well.


JaCoCo should provide the standard technology for code coverage analysis in Java VM based environments. The focus is providing a lightweight, flexible and well documented library for integration with various build and development tools.

JaCoCo is a free Java code coverage library distributed under the Eclipse Public License.


Deliver code confidently by showing which parts of your code aren’t covered by your test suite.


One of the most difficult things in the world, after flushing the cache and giving the names to the variables, is to understand what changes from one version to another in your code.

The idea is automatically create our changelogs using conventional commits


Scan and adapt your source files to include a provided header, e.g. a LICENSE file.

By default it will scan every source set and report warnings. It will also create format tasks, which will properly format and apply the specified header. A bulk of the logic comes from the maven-license-plugin.

Will also report on the licenses of your dependencies.


Documentation generator created by Sun Microsystems for the Java language for generating API documentation in HTML format from Java source code. The HTML format is used for adding the convenience of being able to hyperlink related documents together.


Provides the capability to not only show health of an application but also to highlight issues newly introduced.

With a Quality Gate in place, you can fix the leak and therefore improve code quality systematically.

Supported Pipelines

ADL Central Scripts Server for Gradle is supported by the following Jenkins pipelines.

  • Java Lib
  • Lib example
  • DevOps Pipeline Java lib example repository
  • Get Started
  • Java MS
  • MS example
  • DevOps Pipeline Java Springboot MS example repository
  • Get Started

  • Java Lambda
  • Lambda example
  • DevOps Pipeline Java Lambda repository
  • Get Started